Athens Tour

Athens & Cape Sounion

Delphi & Ossios Loukas


Delphi & Thermopylae


Athens & Corinth

Athens & Marathon

Ancient Olympia

Sparta – Mystra

Full Day taxi tour to all the sights of Athens.


Experience a full day private taxi tour in Athens, by visiting the unique monuments in the Ancient Classical period of Athens.

Acropolis, Parthenon, the new Acropolis museum, the Theater of Dionysus, Temple of Zeus, Hadrian’s Arch, Panathinean Stadium, The Royal Palace, Plaka, Ancient Roman Agora, Ancient Greek Agora, Constitution Square, Parliament House, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier “changing of the guards”, the National Archaeological Museum.

Visit the Acropolis: The 156 meter high limestone rock that crowns the city of Athens. The delicately poised and dazzling white columns of the Parthenon stand out against the blue background of the sky, an immortal symbol of the spirit and genius of man.

  • The Parthenon: A building famous the world over for architectural beauty and harmony, is the temple of the virgin Athena. It is built of pendelic marble in the Doric order on the same site as two previous temples. It took 15 years to build (447 – 432 B.C.).
  • The Temple of Athena Nike: Built 437 – 432 B.C. by Kallikratis, also known as the Temple of “WINGLESS VICTORY” to commemorate the Greek victories over the Persians.
  • The Propylae: Was built by Mnysicles 437 -432 B.C. The main entrance to the Acropolis.
  • The Erechtheio: The Erechtheio is distinguished for the stately magnificence of the Caryatids, the young priestesses who support the Temple’s roof with their heads.
    The Erechtheio was a Temple dedicated to the Mythical King Erechtheus, who was later identified with Poseidon.
  • Visit the New Acropolis Museum, and the Theater of Dionysus.
  • The Temple of Zeus this Graceful and Gigantic columns of the Temple stand to the east of the Acropolis, the Temple was started under Peisistratos in 530 B.C. but was not completed until Roman times under Hadrian in 129 A.D. Also see Hadrian’s Arch.
  • Athens Stadium was completely rebuild for the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. It stands on the site of the ancient stadium built in 330 B.C.
  • On to the ex Royal Palace, and the Plaka sited at the foot of the Acropolis.
    The Plaka was from the ancient times the center of Athens. With lots of Churches, ancient remains, Neo-classical buildings, Frankish houses.
  • The Tower of the winds, an impressive octagonal tower with its inscriptions and figures of the wind Gods, built in the 1st century B.C. as a hydraulic clock, complete with sundial and weather-vane.
  • Also visit the Ancient Roman Agora, and the Ancient Greek Agora were you can see the temple of Hephaestos. The temple of Hephaestos overlooks the Ancient Agora, it is the best preserved of all Greek Temples.

We will drive with Athens taxi tours by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in front of the Parliament House on Constitution Square, were you will see the changing of the Guards.
See the Presidential Palace (ex Royal Palace), government buildings, and elegant homes.
We will continue our Athens private tour driving along Panepistimiou Avenue and view the Catholic Cathedral, the Academy, University, National Library and Omonia Square.
Then we’ll visit some of the most important museums in Athens, the new Acropolis museum, or the National archaeological museum which both are two of the best museums in the world, the museum of Cycladic art.
Finally enjoy the spectaculars view on Lycabettus hill with its Orthodox church of St. George, the highest hill in town and remember Athens for the rest of your life.
If you wish we can stop at any time for lunch.

 Full day in Athens and Sounion


Enjoy this full-day tour by Athens Taxi Tour and enjoy a private sightseeing tour to the main monuments in Athens Acropolis and the Parthenon, Plaka, Ancient Agora, Ancient Roman Agora, Temple of Hephaestus, Temple of Zeus, Hadrian’s Arch, Greek Parliament, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Panathenian Stadium.

Athens Taxi Tour offers you the chance to experience Athens giving you a total flexibility in your options and choices.
You can explore and discover the cradle of Civilization, one of the most historically important places in the world that combines both modern and classical sights.
A visit to Athens is not complete if you haven’t visited the Acropolis and the Parthenon that has been ornamenting and overlooking the city for more than 2500 years.

The symbol of culture, architecture and science is the absolute must see.

Drive along the historical paths that bring you to Plaka, the Ancient Agora, Thiseio, the Temple of Hephaestus, the temple of Olympian Zeus and Hadrian’s Arch.

See the changing of the guards in front of the Parliament House at Constitution square the Memorial of the Unknown Soldier. The center of Athens is full of historical landmarks.
Taxi tours will also take you to the Kallimarmaron, also known as Panathenian Stadium, where the first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896.

After lunch, will drive you along the coastal road to Cape Sounion, to visit Temple of Poseidon. Cape Sounion is located at the Southern part of Attica, on top of a very steep rock. The Athenians worshiped Poseidon and Athena even during the Geometric period.
The first Temple to Poseidon was built at the end of the 6th century B.C. and at 480 B.C. was destroyed by the Persians.
In its place Pericles built a Marble Doric order Temple (444-440 B.C.).

Our drive to Cape Sounion has been planned to allow you to admire one of the most scenic drives in Athens.
We will drive along the wonderful coastal road seeing some of the most splendid southern suburbs of Athens, also the wonderful beaches of Glyfada, Voula and Vouliagmeni and the small picturesque seaside resorts of Lagonissi, Saronida, and PalaiaFokaia.
In a little more than an hour we will arrive at Cape Sounion and the imposing Temple of Poseidon, God of the sea.
Overlooking the Aegean Sea and the islands of the Saronic Gulf, one can see 6 islands on a clear day; the Temple of Poseidon is one of the major tourist attractions and picturesque settings in this historical site.

Our sightseeing tour includes a visit to the archaeological site where you can admire the remains of the Poseidon Temple.
The site is surrounded by sea on three sides and offers spectacular view to the Aegean Sea.

Enjoy a lovely Mediterranean meal while relishing the refreshing sea breeze and the view to the deep blue waters of the Gulf and the small offshore islands.

Full day Tour to Delphi and Ossios Loukas


While visiting the area, you will have the opportunity to see great monuments such as the Tholos of Athena Pronaia, the Treasury of the Athenians, the Temple of Apollo, the Stoa of the Athenians, the Sacred Way, the Castalian Fountain, the Treasury of the Siphnians, the Polygonal Wall & the Ancient Theater.

You shall then continue with the Archaeological Museum, where you will admire rich collections of finds from the Delphi sanctuary through the permanent exhibitions.

We proceed with the final stage of our tour. After a little driving towards Levadia, we reach one of the most important Byzantine monuments the HosiosLoukas Monastery (it has been listed in Unesco’s World Heritage Sites). You will be impressed by the architecture & the decoration of the buildings. You will visit the oldest church of “PanagiaTheotokos”, the church of OssiosLoukas (Katholikon, built in 11th century) & the crypt with the relic of Ossios Loukas.

Full Day Tour to Delphi.

The day starts with driving via the highway towards central Greece.

We shall make a short stop to visit in the traditional picturesque village of Arachova, situated in the foothills of mount Parnassus. We continue until our final destination, Delphi.

While visiting the area, you will have the opportunity to see great monuments such as the Tholos of Athena Pronaia, the Treasury of the Athenians, the Temple of Apollo, the Stoa of the Athenians, the Sacred Way, the Castalian Fountain, the Treasury of the Siphnians, the Polygonal Wall & the Ancient Theater.

Your visit is continued with the Archaeological Museum where you will admire rich collections of finds from the Delphi sanctuary through the permanent exhibitions.



Delphi Thermopylae, Full Day Tour


Enjoy a full day Delphi & Thermopylae tour. Meet the ancient history visiting Thermopylae, hot gates, Delphi, the temple of Apollo, the Delphi museum, the navel of Earth in Delphi and the Delphi Oracle.

We’ll drive you, through Arachova (famous for its bright multi colored carpets) to Delphi.
Arrive in Delphi, the ancient sanctuary of Apollo. (The grandeur of Delphi has to be seen to be believed).  At Delphi you will visit the Archaeological site, with the Temple of Apollo, the Athenian treasury, the Theater, and also the Stadium. And also a visit to the Museum where one can see excellent pieces from the Archaic and Classical periods.

Among other archaeological treasures, the unique bronze Charioteer, the pediments from the temple of Apollo, the “naval of the earth” the winged Sphinx. Lunch in in the modern city of Delphi a picturesque mountain village. After lunch we drive towards Thermopylae (hot gates) about 90 km from Delphi, were the famous site of the historic battle between the 300 Spartans led by Leonidas and the Persian army of Xerxes 480B.C. The huge monument to Leonidas and the 300 cypress trees commemorate the death of the heroic Spartans. On the monument wall the words “Molon Lave” is written under the statue. The phrase means, “Come and get it”, this is the phrase that Leonidas said to the Persian king Xerxis when he was told to hand over his weapons.
The phrase has become a slogan of defiance all over the world.

Shortly After the battle the ancient memorial was placed just across the highway from the modern memorial.
It is a small carved stone plaque that says, “Stranger, tell the Spartans that we lay here obedient to their laws”.
This ancient memorial is on the small hill across the national road from the modern one, after visiting we will drive back to Athens.

Argolis, Full Day Tour


Full day Argolis tour to Corinth Canal, ancient Corinth, Mycenae, Nafplion.

One the most preferred tours, visiting some of the most important sites of the Greek history, the Corinth canal, Ancient Corinth, the temple of Apollo, Mycenae, with famous cyclopean walls, and the tomb of Agamemnon, Nauplion

Enjoy a beautiful drive along the coastal road of the Saronic Gulf, our first stop (visit) the Corinth Canal, Ancient Corinth, Nauplion and Mycenae.

Our tour continues and shortly we will reach the ancient city of Corinth (visit) where St. Paul lived and preached for 18 months.
Back in the ancient times Corinth was amongst the wealthiest cities.
The ruins of this once splendid city lie high up on a hill above the modern town, overlooking both the Corinth and the Saronic Gulfs.
In fact, ancient Corinth owed its wealth and its power to the advantageous position being between two harbors, “Lechaion in the Corinthian Gulf and Kechreae on the Saronic Gulf “.

The principal sights include the Temple Apollo (6th C.B.C), the fountain of Pirene, the Market place, Theater the Odeum.
The tour continues as we drive through Nemea (wine country) towards Mycenae.
Visit Mycenae with its Cyclopean walls, the Lions Gate Agamemnon’s Palace (acropolis) and the tomb of Clytemnestra and also the tomb of Atreus.

Athens taxi tours will drive you to the first Capital city of modern Greece Nafplion.
Nafplion is two places in one, a modern seaside resort, and the old town which once served as a Frankish, Venetian bukwark, with its fortress dominating the area from the summit of Palamidi (Visit) and lunch in Nafplion, and time for a walk around the old city.

We will drive you back to Athens!

Athens Corinth, Full Day Tour

Athens Taxi Tour starts this full day tour following St. Paul’s foot steps in Athens, Corinth and Kechreai.


This is the Original Christian tour of Paul following the apostle’s footsteps in Athens and in Corinth. Experience a full-day private tour following in the footsteps of St. Paul, visit unique monuments, spanning many centuries of the city’s history, and the most important sightseeing of Athens, the famous Corinth canal, and ancient Corinth.

Itinerary of the full day Christian tour in the footsteps of St. Paul in Athens Corinth:  The Acropolis, Propylaia, the Parthenon, Erechtheion, Temple of Athena Nike, Areopagus (Ares’ Hill), Temple of Zeus, Hadrian’s arch, the Panathenean  Stadium (“Kalimarmaro”, site of the first modern Olympic games in 1896), former Royal Palace, Zapionmegaron, Constitution Square, House of Parliament, Monument to the Unknown Soldier, the former royal garden, Corinth Canal, Ancient Corinth, Acrocorinth fortress, Isthmia. After lunch, Athens taxi tours will drive you westwards along the scenic coast, until we reach the Corinth Canal where we will make a short stop to take in the breathtaking view of the Isthmus. Shortly thereafter we reach and visit the ancient town of Corinth where St. Paul lived and preached for two years. Back in ancient times, Corinth was amongst the richest city states and this is quite evident by its remains, including the large agora (market place) and Apollo’s Temple (dated to the 6th Cent. B.C). We will also make a brief stop at the site of the ancient port ofKenchreai where St. Paul disembarked when he came to Corinth.
We will end our taxi private tour returning back to Athens in the same way.

Athens Marathon, Full Day Tour


Acropolis and the Parthenon, Plaka, Ancient Agora, Ancient Roman Agora, Temple of Hephaestus, Temple of Zeus, Hadrian’s Arch, Greek Parliament, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Panathenian Stadium, and spend the afternoon visiting the Marathon, the Site were the Athenians fought the Persians, the Museum, the Tomb were the Athenians were buried, and the starting point of the original Marathon race.

After the battle, Pheidippides runs to Athens to deliver the message of victory. Exhausted from the battle and run he says the word: “NENIKIMAMEN” which means we have won and then died. His sacrifice and passion are exactly what inspired the Marathon race.

Continuing our Marathon private full day tour from Athens, you will visit the museum which has inside Egyptian statues of Osiris and Isis, a part from the memorial column that Athenians built after the victory, the column was 10 meters tall and it was decorating the statue of goddess Nike. Items from Neolithic time, as well as statues of senator Herod of Atticus and his wife Rigilla. Optionally, we can also visit the Marathon run museum.

Further on, we continue our tour and drive to the area of Vravrona to visit the temple of Artemis, who was the goddess of nature, hunt, and childbirth. The sanctuary contained the temple of Artemis, a stone bridge, cave shrines, a sacred spring, and a pi-shaped (Π) stoa. Inside the museum, you can see statues of young children that were dedicated to the goddess, as well as items pertaining to feminine life such as jewelry boxes.

Ancient Olympia, Full Day Tour

Full day tour to Olympia with Athens Taxi Tour Driver, This Athens taxi tour will drive you through Prehistory, the Classical period, Roman domination, the Byzantine Empire, the Crusades and Modern times Greece.



A private fully personalized day trip to the birthplace of modern Olympics and to one of the most beautiful areas in Greece, Ancient Olympia. In the comfort and luxury Mercedes vehicles, we make a short visit at Corinth Canal, an awe-inspiring engineering miracle. Upon arrival to Ancient Olympia you wander at the Philipio remains, the only round building of the Greek ancient times, the grandiose Temple of Zeus where the gigantic Zeus statue stood for 800 years, walk through a round gate like an ancient athlete and enter the Olympic Stadium, see up close Phidias workshop and admire unique masterpieces of ancient art such as Hermes of Praxitelis at the on-spot Museum.

Lunch, at the picturesque village of modern Olympia, to taste the local cuisine.

Site of the first Olympic Games in 776 BC, the UNESCO listed ruins of Ancient Olympia are one of the archaeological highlights of the Peloponnese. Explore the excellent museum and vast complex to admire the remains of temples and the stadium, hippodrome, wrestling school, and gymnasium where Olympic athletes trained. Soon it’s fame rests upon the Olympic Games, the greatest national festival and a highly prestigious one world-wide. The Olympiads included not only athletic contests, but also reciting of verse, reading debates on philosophical and other topics, and from 67 A.D. poetic, musical and dramatic competitions. The modern Olympic Games were revived in 1896 in Athens. Even today the Olympic flame is lit every four years in the ancient sanctuary.  Experience the center of attention during the ancient years, and the starting point of the Olympic Flame.  Today you can still enjoy a run in the ancient Olympic stadium taking your position at the starting line which is still visible. You can visit in this private tour the Olympia Archaeological Museum and the most important sanctuary of God Zeus are situated here, also the original stadiums of the Olympic Games. Our return trip to Athens, we take a different route and travel by the sea through small villages and stop at the impressive Rio Antirrio Bridge.

Sparta Mistras, Full Day Tour

Visit Sparta, the birth place of the toughest, well trained and well known warriors in the ancient world, The Spartans, and also the Byzantine fortified town of Mistras.



Visit Sparta, the birth place of the toughest, well trained and well known warriors in the ancient world, The Spartans, and also the Byzantine fortified town of Mistras. A glittering fortress of the Byzantine Empire Athens, Corinth canal, Sparta &Mistras.Will drive you along the coastal road of the Saronic Gulf, until we reach the Corinth Canal, which joins the Saronic Gulf and the Gulf of Corinth (short stop). We continue to drive towards Sparta &Mistras.Sparta was founded by the Dorian’s in the 9th century B.C. and in the next few years it developed into the most powerful military city in Greece, thanks to the efficient laws, perfected by the law-giver Lycurgus.
The Spartans deferred from the rest of Greeks in the culture, and the way of life. The Spartans character were mostly military, the life of the citizen was dedicated to serving the country, and the art of war.

Mistras, was once a glittering fortress of the Byzantine Empire, with Palaces, houses, monasteries, and churches founded in the 13th century during the Frankish occupation of the Peloponnese. Mistras is now a huge museum of architecture, sculpture and decorative art. After lunch we’ll drive back to ATHENS ending one of the spectacular tours.

You can customize your private tour at any time on the way or before your arrival